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  • Significant Accomplishments: High schools required to offer Personal Finance elective; College and Career Readiness Course containing personal finance instruction required for graduation; Some K-8 financial literacy standards

  • Needs Improvement: Needs to include more financial literacy instruction in the high school stand-alone Career and College Readiness course and implement grade-specific K-8 financial literacy standards


As of 2019, all Mississippi high schools were required to offer a one-half credit Personal Finance elective. Public high schools may offer a one-half unit in Financial Technology, Resource Management, or National Endowment in lieu of Personal Finance. Personal Finance, which is an elective that can be taken during 9-12th grade, has standards that robustly cover financial literacy. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has also developed a curriculum guide for the Mississippi Personal Finance elective, which is aligned to both national and Mississippi standards.

In the 2022 Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards for the Social Studies, there is an economics strand for each grade, K-12. The guide explains that the strand, which integrates economic reasoning and some elements of personal finance into the K-12 curriculum, helps students in “demonstrating an understanding of economics and financial literacy in order to make informed financial decisions throughout their lives.”

Beginning with the 2022 graduating class, the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Course will be required for graduation. Included in  the curriculum is a one semester personal finance course. The unit is based on the Council for Economic Education National Standards for Financial Literacy as well as the Jump$tart National Standards and was developed with the help of the Mississippi Council on Economic Education.

Mississippi receives a “B,” as it ensures personal finance instruction for all students through the CCR course. In order to raise its grade, Mississippi needs to create financial literacy grade-specific standards for K-8.

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